Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chapter 12 - Organizing For Users

Partitioning and Classifying
  • Partitioning
    • Deals with one thing only
    • What are its parts?
    • What is it made of?
  • Classifying
    • Deals with an assortment of things
    • What relates to what?
    • What belongs where?

  • A Document's Basic Shape
    • A framework for the report
    • Let the readers know information point by point
    • Basic shape - Introduction, Body, Conclusion
  • The Formal Outline
    • Covers entire report (alphanumeric notation)
    • Technical Documents (decimal notation)
  • Organizing for Cross-Cultural Audiences
    • British start with bad news, whereas we take the indirect route
  • The Report Design Worksheet

  • A sketch of a finished document
  • Very visual
  • Can rearrange, delete, and insert material as needed
  • Whiteboards, poster-boards, or flip charts

  • The Support Paragraph
    • Include Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and Transitions
    • Relate to main point
    • Explanation
  • The Topic Sentence
    • Main idea
    • Should appear first
  • Paragraph Unity
    • Stay on topic and make sure every sentence flows
  • Paragraph Coherence
    • Every sentence should fit together
    • Sentence order, transition, and line of reasoning should be taken into consideration
  • Paragraph Length

  • Spatial Sequence
  • Chronological Sequence
    • Follow a sequence of events
  • Effect-to-Cause Sequence
    • A problem is identified and then what caused it and how/why it happened
  • Cause-to-Effect Sequence
    • Something occurs and then a result is displayed due to that
  • Emphatic Sequence
    • Makes important pieces of information stand out
  • Problem-Causes-Solution Sequence
    • A problem is stated, then the results of that problem, then a solution so that it can be handled
  • Comparison-Contrast Sequence
    • Similarities and differences

  • Breaking it down into discrete, digestible units, based on the users' needs and the document's purpose
  • Shows how the information goes together

Creating an Overview
  • Preview of the document answering questions that viewers have immediately
    • What is the purpose of this document?
    • Why should I read it?
    • What information can I expect to find here?
  • Shows what the document is about

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