Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chapter 19 - Web Pages

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
A coding language that allows for design of websites from the most basic to very advanced.

Elements of a Usable Website
  • Accessibility
  • Worthwhile Content
  • Sensible Arrangement
  • Good Writing and Page Design
  • Good Graphics and Special Effects
  • Guidelines for Creating a Website
    • Planning Your Site
      • Identify the Intended Audience
      • Decide on the site's Purpose
      • Decide on what the site will contain
      • Decide on the level of user interaction
      • Visit other sites for design ideas
    • Laying Out Your Pages
      • Chunk your information
      • Design your pages to guide the user
      • Use graphics that download quickly
      • Include text-only versions of all visual information
      • Make the content broadly accessible
      • Organize so that users can follow the information flow
      • Provide orientation
      • Provide navigational ads
      • Sharpen the style
      • Show cultural sensitivity
      • Include an alternate, printer-based style sheet or a link to a printable version of the content
    • Checking, Testing, and Monitoring Your Site
      • Check your site
      • Attend to legal considerations
      • Test your site for usability
      • Maintain your site

Privacy Issues in Online Communication
  • Troubleshooting
  • Productivity
  • Security

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